Page update11/14/2022
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Best wishes,
Ashraf Girgis N.D.
The Holistic Approch To Autoimmune Diseases
By Ashraf Gigris N.D.
ISBN #978-0-57873-014-1
In this book, Dr. Girgis addresses patients with the ultimate goal of placing them in the driver's seat. With evidence-based information about food, nutrition, herbs, and environment, Dr. Girgis brings ancient wisdom together with 21st-century science in the hopes of connecting the dots regarding the cause of autoimmune diseases.

The Holistic Approach to Stress
By Dr. Ashraf Girgis
ISNB #9781543 912678
Price: $34.95
In today’s non-stop culture, it is hard to go a day without feeling stressed. Many of us would like to get rid of it, but stress is a necessary part of our lives. In The Holistic Approach to Stress, Dr. Ashraf Girgis tries to get to the root of the problem and discusses how to live with stress while avoiding its countless detrimental effects. She presents a host of key tools to manage your stress, addressing nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, exercise, practical techniques, and more. With in-depth analysis and quick tips, this book will not only change your perspective on stress management, but will remain an excellent reference for years to come.

Path to Love
by Dr. Ashraf Girgis
ISBN # 5800123 492318
Price: $23
In a world filled with hate, it is good to step into the Path to Love. This 38-poem collection by Ashraf presents a myraid of issues ranging from LOVE to WAR to relationships, emphasizing the beauty of the here and now .

Progressive Muscle Relaxation
By Dr. Ashraf Girgis (Originally published 2010)
Price: $15
Researchers estimate that stress contributes to major illnesses, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, metabolic diseases, skin disorders, endocrine diseases, and infectious diseases. Progressive muscle relaxation is one of the techniques used to overcome symptoms of stress. In this audio CD, Dr. Ashraf Girgis guides you through the process of progressive muscle relaxation and helps you master the skill for yourself. (Introduction: 6:24 Exercise: 12:20 Total run time: 18:44).

Autogenic Training
By Dr. Ashraf Girgis (Originally published 2010)
Researchers estimate that stress contributes to all major illnesses, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, metabolic diseases, skin disorders, endocrine diseases, and infectious diseases. Autogenic training is one of the techniques used to overcome symptoms of stress. In this audio CD, Dr. Ashraf Girgis guides you through the process of autogenic training and helps you master the skill for yourself. (Introduction: 7:41 Exercise: 17:14 Total run time: 24:55).

Guided Imagery
By Dr. Ashraf Girgis (Originally published 2010)
Researchers estimate that stress contributes to all major illnesses, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, metabolic diseases, skin disorders, endocrine diseases, and infectious diseases. Guided imagery is one of the techniques used to overcome symptoms of stress. In this audio CD, Dr. Ashraf Girgis guides you through the process of guided imagery and helps you master the skill for yourself. (Introduction: 7:36 Exercise: 15:33 Total run time: 23:09).